can we help you to a brighter future?
Support. Success.
- Have
you lost your job or had a drop in income?
- Are
you close to bankruptcy?
- Do
you avoid answering the phone in case it's a creditor?
- Are
you having trouble making your payments on time?
- Would
a disruption in income be disastrous to your finances?
- Are
your financial troubles starting to affect other areas of your
- Are
you concerned about your finances?
Can Help
Solutions to Fit Your
- Secure
and confidential financial counseling.
- Assistance
setting up a balanced budget that meets your needs.
- Debt
reduction programs that lower monthly payments and interest rates
(in most cases).
- Appreciation
of your religious needs - including tithing.
and Confidential Support Tailored
to You
- We
spend extra time with our clients before entering the debt reduction
program to insure they have a balanced budget.
- We
continue to work with our clients after their debt reduction programs
begin to insure that the program works for them.
- Our
flexible hours allow
us to be here for you when you need us.
Success Is Our Success!
- Because
of our attention to budgeting, debt set-up, and individual client
needs, our clients have a high rate of success.